Friday, April 17, 2009

Barcelona pics

Laura, me, and Sara at Parc Guell

'The Cathedral". I'm sure there are hundreds similar all across Western Europe, but this was the most famous one to sight-see in Barcelona, and the one where Columbus brought back some slaves from the West Indies to have baptized.

There were street musicians everywhere. These guys looked the most professional.

Dragon statue at Parc Guell. Apparently this is really famous, because the image of this is sold on every keychain and t-shirt and poster across the entire city.

Parc Guell, the work of Antoni Guadi

Old City streets

in front of Parc Guell...wearing my jacket this week in Spain was the most that I've had to do all year long!

fruit and vegetable markets always make for great pictures

Laura "drinks" chocolate at the chocolate museum. It was not nearly like hot chocolate...more like a melted hershey's bar.

Laura and I by the Meditteranean Sea

The details of La Segrada Familia

Inside La Segrada Familia

And in front of the passion facade at La Segrada Familia

Strange float at the Good Friday parade

Good Friday parade

And more Good Friday parade...we had an excellent view

Flamenco Dancing show

El Mos. We ate our first (and I had my last) of Spanish tapas here.

Spanish tapas meal...sangria, stuffed olives, board of cured meat and "volcano" of grilled vegetables. The bread on the side is spread with raw garlic and tomatoes.

In front of the Salvador Dali museum.

Ceiling of the Salvador Dali museum.

A sculpture/statue at the Dali museum...every corner was interesting.

Casa Batllo: designed by Antoni Guadi

Barcelona Port


At 4/19/2009 4:14 PM, Blogger Naomi Haverland said...

I recognize a lot of that architecture from college art history classes. I am jealous that you went to the "real" Salvador Dali museum. And I am jealous of that melted chocolate drink.

At 5/19/2009 9:29 PM, Blogger Heather said...

I love all of your photos here! Glad that you had a chance to get to Spain! I've always wanted to visit that country.


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