Saturday, February 07, 2009

Laos Pictures

Here is our group, from right to left: Mike, Michelle, Tad, Rebekah, and myself. I am friends with all of these people through my old job, at ICS...we're all teachers.
Whiskey for sale at the "whiskey village".

A tuk-tuk driver takes a nap in Bangkok before he starts his day.

The Tad Sae waterfalls....we did some hiking and swimming around here. Beautiful!

We had a lot of meals like this, where we sat (or lay) on pillows around a low table. We took our time eating dinner, talking, and playing games and was such a relaxing trip in this way.

These boys were playing in the river and saw the buffaloes coming, so they jumped on top of them to ride them in. Also, notice the albino one?

Entrance to the Pha That Luang in Vientiane, which is considered the most important national monument in Laos. Here is where the kings of Laos have lived.

Putaxai. This structure was built with US-purchased cement, which was originally given to Laos to build a road and a new airport. I guess the cement was a guilt offering.

Hundreds of little Buddha images inside the Pak Ou caves. We took a trip to these caves in the middle of our kayaking trip.

We woke before sunrise one day to see the monks collecting alms. They line the street and get their food for the day, usually rice and fruit. There were children standing alongside the monks as well carrying plastic bags, hoping to get a donation from the monks for their daily sustenance.

A monk studies at a wat in Luang Prabang.

Here we are, tubing (floating) down the river in Vang Vieng.

Here's a bar/restaurant along the river in Vang Vieng. Every so often, there were places along the side of the river for people to stop, get something to eat or drink, and either dive or jump into the river with a pulley or rope swing. Then, after you've had your fill, you get back on your tube and go to the next place (most likely blaring Bob Marley or pop music).

We ate dinner at this beautiful, new restaurant's deck hanging over the river. It was so comfortable and the night was beautiful and clear. One of the highlights of the trip was being surprised by a fireworks show. Mike caught a picture of us watching the fireworks here. It was a perfect viewing, and we couldn't have planned it. After we let our food digest, we played beach volleyball at the restaurant with the wait staff. We were some of the first customers at this restaurant run by a Canadian guy who stumbled his way into Northern Laos a few years back.

sunset in Vang Vieng

When we arrived in Vang Vieng, we decided to rent bikes to figure out our way around the town.

the morning mist on the drive from Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng.

We took this little boat to get to the waterfalls.

night market in Luang Prabang

Lao favorite meal of the trip.

While kayaking, we spotted an elephant off in the distance. We got a bit closer than this, but not too close...he sure wasn't tamed for tourism!

Kayaking along the Mekong River.

Tuk-Tuks were the most common mode of transportation for us, besides walking around the very small towns.

Bangkok train station

Banana roti for a snack...fried batter with bananas and sugar inside. Delicious.

We bought books at an NGO that publishes books in English and Lao, to give to children who were begging or selling things. We passed them out along the way, and they were a big success.

bamboo bridge in Luang Prabang

drying ricecakes

fruit seller

The entire town of Luang Prabang is a UNESCO World Heritage sight.


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