Friday, April 04, 2008


This Easter break, I went to Vietnam for 9 days with some friends, starting in Hanoi for 4 days. I loved Hanoi, with the busyness of the streets, the food, the kindness of the people, the French style architecture, and the history. We learned a lot about the history of Vietnam in it's French colonial days and with "The American War". It was fascinating.
motorbikes were everywhere in Hanoi: it was quite the task just to cross the street
women like these were everywhere, wearing conical hats and carrying baskets of fruits, goods, and products on their shoulders
One night we ate at a Tex Mex restuarant where we were promptly escorted to "the American" table.
Here's a part of the market, selling eels and snakes.
Hanoi's steets
Most of the buildings were quite tall and very skinny with French style architecture, quite different than most Asian cities that I've seen.
Hanoi's Old Quarter
We visited the Hao Lo Prison, where American soldiers and pilots were kept captive. The images were quite haunting. This is also the prison where John McCain was held (his flight suit is on display) and were the Amazing Race contestants went one year.


Enjoying fresh springrolls at a streetside vendor


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