Friday, April 04, 2008

trip to the Cu Chi Tunnels

In our second day in Ho Chi Minh City, we took a trip to the Cu Chi tunnels. The Viet Cong hid here during the war, and it was mostly dug by farmers and common, everday people, using just an ax and basket. They extend for over 150km. They used these tunnels to hide from the US during the war, and we learned a lot about the Vietnamese perspective of "The American War". Since then, they've made the tunnels bigger for Western tourists, but being underground and crawling through the tunnels was enough to induce a small panic attack!
Sara and I are standing in a bomb crater, to show some perspective of the size.
On the way to the tunnels, we stopped at this lacquerware production center. Most of the artisans are victims of Agent Orange and how have physical disabilities that make it difficult for them to hold normal jobs. They have centers like these to produce handicrafts, and encourage Western tourists to stop and purchase things here. The art and work was beautiful.
Here's the actual size of the tunnels...I didn't go down any farther than this.


At 4/16/2008 2:35 PM, Blogger Naomi Haverland said...

You've been out of the US too long. How are we supposed to know how long 150km is???


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