Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A Year's End...

Today marked my first official day of summer vacation. Although I'm nowhere near ready to process, digest, and write about this past year, I do know that it's been an amazing one. If you would ask me about Hong Kong, my first reaction would be, "I LOVE IT HERE!" And then I might get really homesick. And then I might be euphoric. And then get a twinge of homesickness again. And then extremely excited... possibly all in the same day.

Before I head home to Denver for the summer, I have one more adventure. In a couple of days, I'll be taking off with friends Sara, Kelly, and Aaron. We are first going to Chengdu, China for a 24 layover. (Where we plan to visit the panda reserve). Our primary destination is Lhasa, Tibet, at all of 12,000 ft. above sea level. This has been a bit hectic to plan, and we just learned yesterday that we are required to either be part of a tour, or to have a personal tour guide while we're there. Our last couple of days will be spent in Xian, China, to see the Terra Cotta Soldiers and visit the original capital of China. I haven't even had the time to think about what the next week will hold for us...pictures to come.


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