Friday, May 11, 2007


I got to do a few things I hadn't done visiting the 10,000 Buddhas monastery near my home. There are literally 10,000 Buddha images...all different from one another.

We also went to the HK Heritage Museum on one of the drizzly days (we're in the rainy season now). This is a replica of a Chinese opera house.

One local artist's portrayal of The Last Supper...also in the museum.

Suz and I out on the town on her first night here. It was interesting to hear her comparisons of HK and Shanghai. Although both are large, modern, developed cities, she said Hong Kong was much more Westernized and was surprised by how many people spoke English. It's easy for me to lose sight of that here and take some of the comforts of Western life for granted.

I have been very fortunate this year to have a few visitors pass through Hong Kong. Last week, my friend (and former ODB co-worker) Suzanne came to visit. We went to the International job fair last year in Iowa together, and she took a job in Shanghai the same time I took this job here. Because of a holiday (Labor Day, I think), she had a week off, and I had a long weekend, so she flew down for the week. It was refreshing to see a familiar face and to talk about our International teaching experiences together. We spent our time exploring Hong Kong and the surrounding islands, reminiscing and laughing about last year, and just hanging out.


At 5/12/2007 4:01 AM, Blogger CWW said...

you look great!
let's talk soon!

ps. my hair needs some more highlights. it's getting rather calico right now.

At 5/26/2007 10:27 PM, Blogger CWW said...

post much? where are you now? tibet yet?


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