Chengdu, China

A narrative of my life in Hong Kong and in other parts of Asia
This is a close-up shot of the warrios. each face is made different from the next, and Emperor Qin was careful to make sure that different ethnic Chinese groups were represented.
Part of Pit 1, and a good picture of how some of the pieces are found.
We also saw the Bell Tower and Drum tower in Xi'an.
Here's me, Sara, and Aaron in front of the Bell Tower.
On the last day, Sara and I took a bike ride around the City Wall of Xi'an. The wall is still one of the original Chinese walls that were built around many cities.
Today marked my first official day of summer vacation. Although I'm nowhere near ready to process, digest, and write about this past year, I do know that it's been an amazing one. If you would ask me about Hong Kong, my first reaction would be, "I LOVE IT HERE!" And then I might get really homesick. And then I might be euphoric. And then get a twinge of homesickness again. And then extremely excited... possibly all in the same day.