Monday, June 22, 2009

Modern Toilet Restaurant

For my last meal in Hong Kong, I ended up at the Modern Toilet Restaurant. I stayed with my friend Michelle for my last few days, and we walked around the Kowloon neighborhoods one afternoon. Close to dinnertime, we realized that we weren't too far from the Toilet Restaurant. I've been curious about it for a while, but nobody else seemed too interested in joining me until now. I'm pretty sure this place originated in Japan, and there's one in Seoul, too. These kind of themed restaurants are relatively popular in other parts of Asia. The decor, serving dishes, and flushing noises were all part of the theme. The food was just normal Hong Kong food...a mix of noodle dishes, hot pot, and "Western" food. Michelle at the entrance
our table...a glass top over a sink, and toilet chairs

lovely urinal decor and toilet tables, as well as a wall of flag toilet lids. very classy.

my noodles in a sink bowl and drink in a tall urinal glass

posing at some of the larger tables...bathtubs

Junk Boat

For my friend Kathie's birthday, we threw a surprise "junk boat" party. Renting a "junk" for the day is a very popular thing to do in Hong Kong. You can rent a boat, get food and beverages catered if you want, and sail around the islands of Hong Kong, stopping to swim. It was beautiful day and a great way to spend one of my last weekends here.
views around Sai Kung

a smaller version of our boat

group shot


For the past few years, I've been going to church services at a Lutheran Seminary, Christ's Temple at Tao Fong Song. They have English speaking services on Sunday evenings, and I have really enjoyed the small community and peaceful, contemplative nature of the services. It was a blessing for me to be refreshed every week. The seminary is located on top of a mountain, so the location is quiet and peaceful, a pleasant change from the rest of Hong Kong. The congregation is small, made of a few seminary students (from all over Asia), a few other expats (mainly from Scandinavia), and a few fellow teacher friends. Once a month, there is a Taize service. The seminary and Christian center here are host to many retreats, seminars, and conferences. Finally, on my last Sunday there, I brought my camera and took a few photos. Pilgrim's Hall, where the congregation eats a vegetarian meal together after church every week.
The view from Tao Fong Song: Shatin and the 10,000 Buddhas temple.

The bell, which is rung at the beginning and end of every service.

Inside Christ's temple

Church and Pastor John