Sunday, September 14, 2008

registering voters

In the past couple of weeks, there has been a push to register American voters here in Hong Kong. I have been attending Democrat's Abroad since I moved here (thanks to the gentle push of some good friends), and so last week, I volunteered at one of the registration events. The event was set up so that anyone could vote, regardless of political party, but we did have signs indicating that we were with the Democrats and were supporting Obama. It was interesting to see people's reactions; in particular, the reactions of non-Americans. I had several European people stop and tell me their blunt political view, that is, that they were in full support of Obama and talked about what a disappointing (paraphrased words) president that Bush has been. I also saw many Chinese people pause, read our signs, and give us a thumbs up or a smile when they saw that we were in support of Obama.

In some of my travels, I've encountered people (shopowners, waitresses, other tourists) who, when they discover I'm an American, are keen to talk about politics. This past spring, their perspective was that the presidential race was only between Clinton and Obama...a Republican candidate was never mentioned. The world is watching what's happening, and I'm amazed at how well informed some people are. Going back to the States in the summer, I feel much more the political pressure on both sides, but being here, internationally, there's a much different feeling. I can't wait to see what will happen in November.

junk boat trip

Going on a "junk boat" trip is a Hong Kong thing that I've been wanting to do for a while now. Today, I finally went with about 20 friends. Most junk boats are associated with a restaurant here who provide food and drinks, but we went for the cheaper option and just rented a boat all day. It was 33 degrees (Calcius) today, so it was definitely warm enough to hang out on the boat all day, cruise around Hong Kong, and jump in the water for a while. It's Mid-Autumn festival tomorrow, so it was a great way to spend a long weekend.
We spent a lot of time in the water hanging out like this,
trying not to get stung by the (harmless) jellyfish.

One of my best friends here, Christine.

View from the boat....

Talking and hanging out on the top deck at dusk, with the harbor in the background. The downside of the day was the high pollution index...ever since the Olympics ended, the factories in China have been in high gear, sending down lots of pullution our way.

the new digs

I finally got around to taking some pictures of my new place. I went up to China this weekend to pick up the curtains I had gotten made (from "my" tailor, Heidi), so it's starting to come together now. I just now need to figure out how to put up pictures on the wall...drilling through concrete is a little tricky, especially without owning a drill. my "kitchen" area
I can fit a small wardrobe, dresser, and desk in my spare room

view from the front door. it's small, but it works for me