Sunday, January 28, 2007

just another 70 degree weekend

I had another great weekend here. Ever since I got back from Christmas break, I've been thouroughly enjoying Hong Kong. In the past week, I've eaten plenty of Indian and Thai food, and have explored new parts of this city. Friday night was the "Ishothongkong" short film festival, followed by a Mexican restaurant and bar. On Saturday, my friend Christine and I decided to explore some of the parks and temples that we haven't seen yet. These are of the Wong Tai Sim temple and the Chi Lin Nunnery. My hair still smelled like incense when I woke up in the morning.
At the nunnery and park.

Notice the skyscrapers in the background. Hard to escape those here.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Back in Hong Kong

I returned here to Hong Kong after being gone for a couple of weeks of Christmas vacation. It was so good to be home, despite the weather in Denver. I had a night-marish return back here, though, with several delays, reroutings, missing baggage, and a stomach flu. It was comforting to finally make it back here. It also was surprising to me how happy I was to return and get back into life here.

My week got off to a quick start, as my job is changing this month to Admissions. We are interviewing and assessing all of the new students who are applying for next year. I'm not sure if I like this change yet or not, but it's part of my contract.

It was also a fairly normal HK week...going out for Indian food at a new restaurant, getting pushed by people on the train, going salsa dancing, and spending time at the travel agent (planning my Chinese New Year trip to Bangladesh). I just got back from a Thai restaurant with Uncle Bill, here in town for business from Tokyo. I didn't come back empty handed, either: Krispy Kreme donuts to bring to the staff lounge in the morning. Life resumes here, and I am glad for it.